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  Finance Law Dispute
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:36 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I am requesting assistance from you because my fiancée is currently in Cape Town, South Africa. He went there on a job contract In February 2020, which should have taken him 4 or 5 months to complete a Refinery and to build a bridge. During these two assignments, he ran into equipment problems, hiring problems, and other problems which cost him more money and more delays than he had anticipated. He then had to take out a loan in Cape Town thinking that he could get money from his bank to pay the loan off once the jobs were completed before leaving Africa. But that didn't happen. The bank in New York told him that he would have to come into the bank and sign some paperwork first.

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  Auto dealer dispute
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:34 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I bought a car from an auto auction and when driving home on the freeway the hood flew open and smashed the windshield, it was not latched properly after being closed by the employees at the auction. Can I hold them accountable for the damages?

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  International Travel Dispute
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:33 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I am a U.S citizen. It is a very long story about my situation. I do
not personally know the people who threaten me, it is a feud that has
gone on for over 20 years. some random people want to refuse to allow me
access to the justice system for example. in 1995 I traveled the world
working and was targeted by these people who were not qualified as
Police, lawyers, employers, and even bank employees So when I turned to
courts for the administration of law to access bank accounts I owned,
there were professionals who were more than happy to represent me, the
attackers would come to court and try to claim I can not prove what i
claim or I needed more evidence to prove my claim, which was not the

I simply explain the situation as it states in the U.S Passport. (The
Secretary of State of the United States of America hereby requests all
whom it may concern to permit the citizen/national of the United States
named herein to pass without delay or hindrance and in case of need to
give all lawful aid and protection.) In 1995 when attackers fought hard
to make sure I did not get all lawful aid and protection and not allowed
to pass freely without delay, I turned to the U.S consulate who was more
then able to provide me assistance to overcome the attack and return to
the USA freely.

Now in 2020, I find myself in the same situation, people ready to show
me how much they hate America by refusing to allow me all lawful
services and protection I stand in need of, and to prevent me from
returning to the US of my own free will.

I have been able to fight the matter for example I won a decision
against a bank through the local financial ombudsman and Australian
financial complaints authority, but the bank still refuses to perform
the undertaking to supply me with the account records that I held with
the bank in 1995. If I had access to the money I saved, I could fight
this situation harder with a legal team, right now I am living on little
that I am able to get. I turned to the local U.S Consulate who claimed
to me, they are not there to provide services to victims of crime, i
turned to the U.S Embassy to complain and they said I need to contact
the FBI because my life is in danger because an FBI agent who has gone
missing used to be the Only FBI agent I ever knew who would make sure i
was identified to be a US citizen.

I am not sure what to say to the FBI and seek legal advice and
assistance to contact the FBI to get further help, Attackers are mainly
local community who have been able to train to become lawyers and
police, even a judge to intercept my case or applications for assistance
and reject my application for services from the local Police, lawyers or

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  Mental Health Dispute
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:30 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions - Replies (1)

Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I went to appt for weight loss program bc weight gain is affecting my life and properly taking care of myself but denied any services at all at any time bc mental health dr last month when I reported issues to her all she said was to make healthier food choices, but I don’t have any I starve myself for weeks at a time until I’m weak and made to eat something I’m now constantly severely depressed I have absolutely no energy and my mental health is increasing and rapid. I already have trust issues with medication and Drs, death was near with more than a few of their mixes and neglected though out many different treatments. What can I do legally? This could cost me everything bc I’m suicidal and a year ago attempted and mentally I’m not functioning properly and my mental condition is at high risk but I need help there’s gotta be help if not I don’t know where to turn or go please help me.

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  NCNDA Contract
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:26 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

We are intermediate in the PPE business, especially in Nitrile Gloves. We need to make an NCNDA for the same. I am from India as an intermediate and need to make NCNDA with a seller representative from the USA so that they can't cheat. We did earlier also but every time they made NCNDA like their ways and I strongly believe that they cheated me. That's why this time I need to make NCNDA from my side to protect us.

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  International Payroll
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:24 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I work with a team of graphic designers in Mexico. I would like to begin to work with clients in the US. I plan to open a bank account here, and I'm wondering what the process of paying my employees in Mexico will be if I am working from an office in the US. Can you help?

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  Child Custody
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:20 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

 My former husband, a French citizen, kidnapped our two young sons, now 9 and 7, over two and a half years ago. I have not seen them since. He fled from Yemen, where I am living to Djibouti, then to France over a year and four months ago. To my horror, I found out over a month ago that the French social services took my sons from their father immediately on his return to France. How do I get back my sons?

It's important to note that I had sent emails including a police report to the French embassy in Djibouti hoping that they would reunite me with my sons. On the contrary, for whatever reason, they allowed him to travel and did not reply to my emails after that

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  Alleged Embezzlement
Posted by: Samoya - 05-26-2021, 05:16 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous dispute that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

 I am trying to settle a dispute through arbitration. The issue is between a member of the community that I come from and I. We come from a minority community in Salt Lake City. UT. The Gentleman has been entrusted with $50.00 COVID 19 Grant money to administer the money amongst 19 households in the Community that both he and I come from. He decided to give everyone from the Community $50 dollars each and kept the rest of the money out of the $47,000 which he collected, he spent less than $10,000 to the families of the Community to whom he has been entrusted money. He kept the rest of the money for himself. He announced to the community that the amount released was $47,000 but some sources tell the community that the amount was $50,000.

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  Relevance of the arbitral seat
Posted by: Nerine - 05-26-2021, 04:57 PM - Forum: Arbitration information - No Replies

Failure to Specify Arbitral Seat in the Arbitration Clause May Result in Unenforceable Award

The seat is an important legal concept, as its law provides the supporting legal framework for the arbitration and its courts supervise the arbitration. Further, the seat usually determines the nationality of the award which is relevant to enforcement. The seat can therefore have a material impact on the course and outcome of the arbitration. The seat is not to be confused with the factual venue where arbitration meetings and hearings are conducted.

We recommend that parties should always designate a seat in the arbitration clause and expressly adopt the law of the seat as the law of the arbitration clause. This is to avoid any uncertainty as to which law governs the arbitration and the arbitration clause and which courts supervise the arbitration. When doing so, parties must check whether any restrictions under the national arbitration law of the seat may apply...

Click for the full article: https://globalarbitrationnews.com/failur...ble-award/

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  Artificial Intelligence vs Human Arbitrator
Posted by: Nerine - 05-26-2021, 04:44 PM - Forum: Arbitration information - No Replies

What is an Arbitration? Artificial Intelligence and the Vanishing Human Arbitrator

Arbitration is a private and consensual method of dispute resolution, instead of state courts, the tribunal is appointed by agreement of the parties which renders a binding decision the award. Traditionally, the tribunal is composed of human arbitrators who conduct hearings in person. Stakeholders in the arbitration market are exploring how new technologies and tools can be deployed to increase the efficiency (lower costs, higher speed) and quality of the arbitration process. Intelligent machines hold the promise of more rational, consistent, and unbiased decisions when compared to human actors.

The COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the trend towards using smart technologies to increase the efficiency and quality of arbitrations. For eg., if physical hearings are not feasible, parties and tribunals require online meetings, desktop sharing, and video conferencing software that enables them to meet via the Internet in real-time. Practical necessities and constraints prompt rapid, technology-assisted adaptations to the traditional way of ‘doing arbitrations’ by humans...

Click for the full article: https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/business-law-bl...hing-human

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