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Issues with my business p...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-13-2023, 07:24 PM
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Hacked through T-Mobile
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-12-2023, 05:39 PM
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Considering divorce
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-12-2023, 02:19 PM
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Civil case against nuisan...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: Donesia
06-08-2023, 04:50 PM
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I need a criminal lawyer ...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: Donesia
06-08-2023, 01:34 PM
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Help with civil rights ca...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-06-2023, 09:36 PM
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Issue with used car
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-05-2023, 06:36 PM
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Wrongfully arrested and d...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-01-2023, 09:42 PM
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Credit Bureau Complaints ...
Forum: Arbitration information
Last Post: Donesia
05-31-2023, 08:27 PM
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Equifax arbitration provi...
Forum: Arbitration information
Last Post: Donesia
05-31-2023, 06:49 PM
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Issues with my business partner and the bank |
Posted by: kishana.n - 06-13-2023, 07:24 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
I have a business dispute with the bank and my partner WMA who moved the account. The name of the business is Toscano Floors Design LLC. I am an officer of the corporation and my partner, closed out the account at Chase and opened one at Bank of America. He lied on the application, and now they aren't giving me access to the account. This is a business where all the transactions are done through debit or credit and they refuse to give me access even though I have a judicial order from a judge of the Supreme Court to get access. Chase complied and gave me access as they tried to lock me out as well. Once he found out he moved the account to Bank of America and they won't give me access to the account. I need you to call Bank of America's legal team. I have all the documents for them. I also cannot run payroll and this has been going on for 2 or 3 months. I received the order from the court on January 5th, where the judge gave me complete access to all accounts and he has not complied. I filed contempt in court against him, and the hearing is on the 27th of June. I need payroll and can't access the Bank of America account. They don't understand the order given by the court, the legal department isn't understanding it right. I can't wait that long as my business and employees are suffering. I need intervention from another source.
The issue is not only with him and Bank of America, but he also illegally transferred a cell number that was used for sale, belonging to an account to which he was not managing. He was not supposed to touch that AT&T number, and between T-Mobile and AT&T, I don’t know how he did it. I had the number, and he took it and put it in his name and AT&T refuses to put it back. It belonged to a pool of numbers that we use for employees and salespeople. It has been there for 13 years and he removed it and is using it under his name to steal clients.
Hacked through T-Mobile |
Posted by: kishana.n - 06-12-2023, 05:39 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
I got hacked through T-Mobile and lost everything online. This happened on July 13, 2022. I have been back and forth with Microsoft and T-Mobile since then. I started noticing that I can't access my emails and my passwords were being changed, and 2-factor authenticators were being added. Weeks later I received a letter from T-Mobile saying my SIM card was being re-associated. I have 5 certified illnesses for the 9/11 World Trade Center program, and all my information was wiped out. It was 36 points of information that I lost, including 9/11, screenplays, cartoons, cancer stories for 11 years and notes, files, pictures, 22,000 emails, and all my interviews. Either they deleted it or I no longer have access to anything, as they were all associated with one email address.
I recently had a check bounce for $75, as I was getting billed for a subscription and didn't know, as I no longer have access to my email, and don't remember all the things that were on it. My previous attorney CB, told me last week that he could no longer do anything for me, and this was something that he was just learning about. He told me that I should go through arbitration. He had been helping me for the last 5 months, and wanted to resolve it before it went to arbitration, and we were working on numbers, but T-Mobile laughed at us. I wasn't in the meeting, it was just my lawyer and T-Mobile's lawyer, and I don't know what they said to my lawyer, but they did say something to him and he turned quickly. I am past the point of being mad, and I had 16 days to figure out what I was missing. I did interviews with NBC, Fox News, and others. I lost 25,000 email contacts that took me 20+ years to collect. I don't know anything about this process, but I have letters and emails, and I don't know what I can use from CB, so I don't get sued.
Considering divorce |
Posted by: kishana.n - 06-12-2023, 02:19 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
I am considering divorce and would like to find out what my legal rights are. I have been married to AM for 16 years. We are still living together, and own a house together. We don't own any separate properties or businesses. We share 3 children, ages 5, 13, and 15. There would be an issue with custody for them. Nothing has been filed in the court as yet, and alimony wouldn't be an issue as she works, and I work, and is a former military. We are not legally separated. This is just regular marital issues and there would be debts involved as we owe $9000 in taxes to the government and the state of Illinois. We have plenty of credit card debt.
Civil case against nuisance neighbor |
Posted by: Donesia - 06-08-2023, 04:50 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
I was on lawyers by winrate and found you. I wanted to find a lawyer for a civil case in Santa Rosa, California, or somewhere nearby. I have a private nuisance neighbor case. My neighbor has been a nuisance to us. He has damaged the property line shared between us while doing construction on his home for almost two years now and has also created a lot of noise, disturbing us. In California, we have the right to quiet and enjoyment of our home, and he has broken that right. We have have two cars in our driveway and he slashed all eight of our tires. I don't have a video of him doing it, but they know he did it, so I turned him in to the city, and his behavior was corrected which he was upset about. We are 70 years old, and we are just about dead from the stress he is causing us. He bought the house next to us in June 2021, and it all started then.
I need a criminal lawyer for my friend |
Posted by: Donesia - 06-08-2023, 01:34 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
I'm calling for a friend, it's about her husband and she really needs a criminal lawyer right now. My friend's name is S W and when I get her phone number I'll send it over. They are in Saint Clair County, Illinois.
My friend's husband was shot and killed, and the guy that killed him is about to get off. He is claiming self defense but my friend's husband didn't have a weapon but he did did. It's a lot, and I will try to get my friend to call so she can provide the details.
Help with civil rights case |
Posted by: kishana.n - 06-06-2023, 09:36 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
I was watching a murder trial and saw attorney Mr. M defending an individual. I would like that attorney to represent me as my civil rights were taken away by the police. I don't know what my rights are now or if I am still within the statute of limitation. 2 years ago in 2021 I was stopped by a roadblock and snatched out of my vehicle by the officers when I had my hands up and wasn't resisting. Physical damage was done to me as they threw me on the ground and I had multiple rib fractures and broken back. They treated the wound and took me to jail for 7 days and refused any other medical treatment. When I requested it over and over they sprayed me from head to toe with pepper gas. I was 58 years old at the time. I had a rescue inhaler in my hand that they gave me prior to them spraying me because they knew about my condition. They witnessed me passing out on the floor and said I was faking it and that I was kicking the door but I only knocked it to get help.
I am still on probation and would like to know if I still have a right, so I would like to speak to the lawyer myself. This happened with the Calhoun County police in Florida. I don't have any upcoming court dates or anything as it was all settled. I took 3 years probation deal withholding jurisdiction. The court-appointed attorney by the state of Calhoun did nothing to help me as I would've gotten 10 years in jail. They wanted to give me a DUI charge that they didn't do a blood test or breathalyzer or anything else for. I know I was driving my vehicle too fast and they were saying it was flee and elude charge but if I had seen blue lights behind me, I would've pulled over. I wasn't trying to run from the law, I knew better. That has nothing to do with why I am calling the lawyer, but I am damaged for the rest of my life, and they are getting away with it. I have permanent scars and injuries that aren't going away.
Issue with used car |
Posted by: kishana.n - 06-05-2023, 06:36 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
I bought a used car they didn't inspect it and charged me for it. Now they won't respond I have text messages and paperwork. I'm trying to move to arbitration wit car stop of colonial beach VA.
Wrongfully arrested and deemed incompetent |
Posted by: kishana.n - 06-01-2023, 09:42 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).
This is regarding a wrongful 3-day hold on involuntary arrest and being deemed incompetent. They took my phone that I was using to record, and I didn't get it back and, in the report, they didn't mention anything about my phone. They tried to put me on 5250, now I'm ruled incompetent to stand trial. The original arrest was made on June 8, 2019, but I was ruled mentally incompetent this February. I trespassed at the Goldstein's Mortuary & Deli bar at 1779 Wishon Avenue, Fresno. I went there before with no issues. It was a minor misunderstanding, and I thought I would've just gotten a verbal warning and my incident number when they told me they weren't going to let me in. The cops wouldn't give me the incident number or the number to speak with the owner of the business then I was arrested by the Fresno Police Department. The business I trespassed on didn't provide any CCTV video, which they should have as they sold alcohol, and my video was stolen. They only have about 8 or 9 videos from the police. They also have body cam videos with time stamps. They stole my phone, and the police supervisor is also making laws in other counties, and he ran against our mayor, and they are all in bed together. We have a big mess in Fresno.
I would like to get myself competent, but it is all very scary. They shouldn't just dismiss the charges, not like this. They should help me to get competent first. I need a court order to get paperwork for the mental health part of it. I just need help getting that one piece of paper of my medical from them to release the stuff they have. I don't think the lawyers I had represented me well. I also need to understand the charges and help in my defense, which I did. I provided all the information I gathered in my trial, and I was doing public records and I got more evidence. The reporting party changed the story. I am trying to clear my name and be able to press charges to get 5150. They took away my second amendment rights.
The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is a nationwide organization working to bring the world of electronics into the future was interested in my case. I think it's because of the body cam camera, but the public defender wouldn't give them access to my file. If you think this is something you can help with, you can team up with them, and it will also be more exposure for both organizations. I found it strange that the public defender didn't want to give up the case to an outside attorney, and I don't know if that is legal. They refused to share information. It's about tax dollars, and they don't have enough for a lawyer, but they didn't want them to take the case. It will be put out there and made public. I also have a YouTube channel called Miss5250 and posted over 100 videos on it. I also found 2 or 3 other persons they had done this to in Fresno County. I would like to pursue a civil case against them and press charges.
Credit Bureau Complaints Increasing |
Posted by: Donesia - 05-31-2023, 08:27 PM - Forum: Arbitration information
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The Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) reports that the total number of consumer complaints regarding credit bureaus from 2021 to 2022 jumped from 496,000 to 800,394. Consumers can submit complaints against financial institutions about the products those institutions offer, including bank accounts, mortgages, loans, and more. Moreover, 94% of complainants attempted to address their issues directly with the bureaus first, demonstrating a bleak picture of two startling events: the credit bureaus are not helping the ones that inquire
Equifax arbitration provisions excerpt |
Posted by: Donesia - 05-31-2023, 06:49 PM - Forum: Arbitration information
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Binding Arbitration. Any Claim (as defined below) raised by either You or Equifax against the other shall be subject to mandatory, binding arbitration. As used in this arbitration provision, the term "Claim" or "Claims" means any claim, dispute, or controversy between You and Us relating in any way to Your relationship with Equifax, including but not limited to any Claim arising from or relating to this Agreement, the Products or this Site, or any information You receive from Us, whether based on contract, statute, common law, regulation, ordinance, tort, or any other legal or equitable theory, regardless of what remedy is sought.