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  Ebay seller complaint
Posted by: Donesia - 01-19-2022, 02:45 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

EBay has done all kinds of wrong to me

I wanna get my voice heard because EBay has done it all to me , I was a seller with a perfect record and always happy customers and then :
1- eBay banned me , then
2-banned the account owned by my company too after written promises that the company's account will be accessible if I paid my due balance, which I did. And the account had no activities prior the ban
3-raised suspicion and ruined my reputation, soon after eBay , I got banned by Mercari and Etsi too.
4-Banned my buyer account just few days ago after I started talking about this in social media
5-ruled against me in a dispute despite clear bullet proof of delivery to the buyer by FedEx.
I feel wronged and helpless

Finally they banned me as a buyer as well after I started talking about what happened to me on social media.


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  Claim against property owner for money owed on contract work
Posted by: Donesia - 01-19-2022, 02:08 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I need help with a  court case coming up on February 17th, 2022 and I would like to find a pro bono lawyer. This is an ongoing case regarding real estate. I was hired on contract to rebuild some parts of a property and restore a piece of property under code violation in Los Angeles. I hired a team of contractors to do the job and was supposed to be paid for work done but was never paid. I filed a claim against the owner of the property XXXX XXXX who was also a friend and someone I was living with after my horrible car accident that gave me brain injury. After the accident, he offered for me to come and stay with him but later said that I didn't need to pay him anymore because the house was in a horrible state. I worked with him for two years and he promised to pay me. This took one year and 9 months and I was never paid. I was owed 160 thousand dollars that I filed a claim for. I had a trial on May 13, 2019. The judge was nasty to me and didn't give me the case and the owner of the property later passed after he was taken to court. I was supposed to add his niece XXXX XXXX to the lawsuit but the judge gave me problems adding her, so I'm suing her separately. We have been to court several times and she has not showed up, but the judge said to give her more time.

I hired an attorney in April of last year, told him everything I was dealing with and that I needed someone to take over from me, and answered when would be the tentative ruling. I had been to court for 5-6 times in front of a judge. I asked for jury trial and he didn't allowed it. I didn't understand what tentative ruling was to change the date and go to Court. I had a brain injury and was getting confused. XXXX XXXX was the lawyer I hired. He charged $7000 and I paid him $4500. The lawyer didn't help, he didn't answer when was the tentative ruling or change the date. I felt he was intimated by the judge and I had to go to court by myself. The lawyer didn't helped me and I would like to get my money back from him as well. I don't know if this should be handled by small claims or arbitration.

I received a letter from the Registered Office in Huntington Beach that state that I was the junior lean holder for the property going in foreclosure. XXXX XXXX had gotten a lawyer pertaining to this because I had a lean on the property. XXXX XXXX was the executor of the property. I had nothing with the niece. After XXXX XXXX passed, the niece XXXX XXXX was added to the lawsuit. I have also lowered the claim amount to $80 thousand dollars, thinking that would be fair.

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  My identity was stolen and use for the Gears of War game
Posted by: Donesia - 01-18-2022, 10:58 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I want to get help with a case with XXXX XXXX. My identity was stolen and my lawyer became rogue. My lawyer stole millions of dollars from my litigation funding. Two and half billion was made off my likeness and I didn't get a dime. The Atlantic Legal Justice Foundation is behind me. I have three expert witnesses. I'm working by myself. I don't have an attorney. The attorney I had was XXXX XXXX who took the case to the Supreme Court. They screwed up at the beginning and I lost millions. I have proof in writing, on my google drive that they stole my voice and whole look.

I had a company named Sole City Wrestling. This was a place for kids and entertainment for the family. XXXX XXXX who was my partner at the time tried to get me to sell my company and when I didn't, they took my whole identity and put it in the Gears of War game. This was the most famous video game to be made and I was the main character. The original people that stole my likeness were Epic Games in which I filed a claim against them. My lawyer XXXX XXXX drafted the letter and gave it to XXXX XXXX to present it to Epic Games but he didn't. I went to his office one day and saw the letter on his desk, so I took it and presented it to Epic Games along with evidence. Epic Games later sold the game to Microsoft. The word was put out that I needed a lawyer on contingent and lawyer XXXX XXXX took over the case. Everything was going fine until XXXX XXXX moved me out to Pennsylvania. 

I was living with him for a while then he moved me into a hotel. One day I received a call from  from drug rehab with him telling me I needed to get out from where he had me. He screwed up the case and was trying to bury this thing. XXXX XXXX screwed up the case and I was wondering where all the money went from my litigation funding. I am now living in a hotel because of what the lawyer did and he tried to blame it on another attorney.

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  Aspire credit card dispute
Posted by: Donesia - 01-18-2022, 09:10 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I was laid off October 2021 I told Aspire I fill out the forms - now the credit protection doesn’t want to pay the amount cause they are saying I’m 60 days late. I gave them the forms before 60 days. The dispute amount is 532.

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  H&R Block Emerald Card complaint
Posted by: Donesia - 01-18-2022, 09:05 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I had my taxes done with H &R block I was charged enormous amount to do them my refund was put on a emerald card in the amount 6222.00 and I had checks deposited in my account so total overall would be 10 thousand dollars. My account has been open since July, my total in my account now is now 08 cents. I spoke with H&R block and they told me my card was skimmed and that they would take off all duplicate charges as well as charges that were not mine and so I requested my statements and they are still on there. I have figured out all the math myself and does not make sense there is a lot of money taken from my account.

Status: resolved

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  Sold trucks to me fraudulently
Posted by: Donesia - 01-18-2022, 01:32 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

Individual utilized his company to sell me 3 semi trucks that the individual nor the company had titles for the trucks.

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  Instacart deactivation
Posted by: Donesia - 01-18-2022, 01:21 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I have been shopping for Instacart for about four months. The other day, I was wearing winter gloves due to the cold, and I accidentally sent a customer my link to another shopping service that I had saved as a keyboard shortcut and now I have been deactivated. I really love shopping for Instacart. I never even finished setting up the account for the other shopping service (dumpling). I just want to get my job back.

status: resolved

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  T-Mobile grievance
Posted by: Donesia - 01-18-2022, 12:58 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I have a grievance with TMOBILE. 1. They don't take precaution to black list a device imei number like apple does when a customer has to have a device replaced. Their negligence has cause me to be tracked, monitored , and hacked. I can't make calls because the network isn't secure and I'm constantly redirected to fraudulent lines.

Also they only allow one TMOBILE ID even if you get your own service after being on a family plan.

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  Instacart shopper complaint
Posted by: Donesia - 01-18-2022, 12:55 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).


I was deactivated on my Instacart account for no reason at all they said that I turned in a selfie pic to them that was not me, which is very untrue and they have never answered me since then.  This happened on January 1st I reached out through the chat line because there's really no other way to get anybody to respond to you and I spoke with supervisors who have put through to the trust and safety team all of the information that I've given them and asked that they reach back out to me.  They have not done so and they will not do so they just ignore me so their defaulting on their own business practices and regulations because they're supposed to give you a chance to appeal and they're supposed to respond to you and several other things that they I'm not following under their own guidelines and business practice

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  I want my money back from One Main Financial and US Bank
Posted by: Donesia - 01-14-2022, 10:42 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

How can I get my money back from two companies online that I sent cards to borrow money from? I need to get my money back from them. I have text messages and the cards I sent them. One Main Financial and US Bank. I have the names of the people I talked to and phone numbers. I need my money asap.

I wanted to borrow money before Christmas. I was having money problems and One Main Financial called me and told me that I could borrow 5k if I sent them so much money on eBay cards and I did, but then they kept telling me I needed to send more money. I sent them money after money even when I told them I needed my money back. I sent them 1k on the 12th of this month, my whole check and they said I would absolutely get my money and now they are asking for more money and I want all of my money back. I haven't added it up as yet, but they owe me around 7k. Can you help me get my money back?

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