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Issues with my business p...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-13-2023, 07:24 PM
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Hacked through T-Mobile
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-12-2023, 05:39 PM
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Considering divorce
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-12-2023, 02:19 PM
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Civil case against nuisan...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: Donesia
06-08-2023, 04:50 PM
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I need a criminal lawyer ...
Forum: Past or Current cases
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06-08-2023, 01:34 PM
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Help with civil rights ca...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-06-2023, 09:36 PM
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Issue with used car
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-05-2023, 06:36 PM
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Wrongfully arrested and d...
Forum: Past or Current cases
Last Post: kishana.n
06-01-2023, 09:42 PM
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Credit Bureau Complaints ...
Forum: Arbitration information
Last Post: Donesia
05-31-2023, 08:27 PM
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Equifax arbitration provi...
Forum: Arbitration information
Last Post: Donesia
05-31-2023, 06:49 PM
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Do you provide win rate for lawyers? |
Posted by: Donesia - 01-14-2022, 10:24 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions
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Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
Do you guys provide reviews on lawyers? I am interested in getting the win rate for lawyer XXXX XXXX. He is with XXXX XXXX, located in Pasadena, California. I want to hire him but I want to know his win rate first.
Lawsuit over handicapped parking spaces |
Posted by: Donesia - 01-14-2022, 10:08 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
I need help with a ADA claim. A claim was filed on January 6, 2021, by XXXX XXXX against Happy Preschool Land, located in Van Nuys, California. We are being sued for not having enough handicapped parking space and it is considered to be discrimination. Companies that handle ADA parking are frauds, what they do is go around to different businesses and check if they have enough space for handicapped parking and if they don't, then they are sued. The claim didn't mention the amount they are suing for, but usually, they want some money for it because they claimed that is their job and the government allows them to do these things. We do not have handicapped parking but the parking space we provide is for employees only. Usually, when it is used for the employees they are not allowed to make a claim.
Well Fargo complaint regarding teller error |
Posted by: Donesia - 01-12-2022, 06:05 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
Years ago I went to Wells Fargo bank deposited a check for $180.00 asked for $10.00 in single bills since I needed that for a New Jersey transit bus including transfers. Long story short, I neglected to check my bank slip. Went to the mall the next day made a couple of purchases and when I went to make one for my Mom my card was declined. The check I deposited was also from Wells Fargo so all they would have done is make a transfer from the attorney's account into mine. Needless to say, I was offered half of the money back which I refused Wells Fargo supposedly did a review and said they could see I was given a deposit but they couldn't see how much. So therefore they refused to refund me and said the teller did nothing wrong which is a lie.
When I called the bank from the mall I was told there was no information in the system and for me to call the next day. The attorney who had issued me the check offered to repay me which I refused since she has already done that. Now I'm not understanding the so-called issue with the cameras or them saying they couldn't see the amount I was given which would have made me take $170.00 and deposit $10.00 which makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. If they felt the teller did nothing wrong why was I offered half of it back, makes no sense to me. XXXX XXXX was the person who offered a refund of half the amount.
Statement under oath from Instacart shopper in arbitration matter against Instacart |
Posted by: Donesia - 01-12-2022, 12:44 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
You can log in to Instacart from any city that participates, but you ONLY see orders nearby, maybe within a 10-20 mile radius MAXIMUM.
I think it would disprove their theory and would show that my account was accessed by someone other than myself.
When I logged into my Instacart account and looked at these orders done on that last day when my account was deactivated, they show being delivered to an address in Washington state. The orders were shopped from Albertsons in Vancouver, WA, and delivered to what appears to be Ridgefield, WA (The only data I can see now is a map of the start/end of delivery, not the exact address)
There is no way possible that it would have been me as I was in California. If I had logged in and done this from California, I would have only seen orders within a few-mile radius of me in Sacramento. Cell tower logs will show my phone activity.
Toll fee dispute |
Posted by: Donesia - 01-11-2022, 01:17 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
I was cited for not paying a toll. I did pay, but when I was leaving, the light turned RED right away. I need help. I don’t want to pay the $60 penalty because I paid $2.50 when I used the toll road going to Otay Lakes in Chula Vista.
Looking for a divorce attorney with a high success rate |
Posted by: Nerine - 01-06-2022, 04:47 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
I'm looking for a Divorce attorney with a high success rate. I have been married for less than 4 years, and have been separated for over 3 years. I am currently living on my own. We share 1 son who lives with me. There is no shared property just stocks. No debts are involved. The case has been filed in court. And I am getting temporary child & spousal support.
I want to collect on damages from TikTok |
Posted by: Nerine - 01-05-2022, 09:09 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
Hello, I was directed here via the TikTok settlement site to collect my damages. A public lawsuit was filed against TikTok for collecting and selling user information without permission. It was settled before going to court and if a person is a user before October 2021 then they may collect damages from TikTok.
Going through a nasty divorce and need a good divorce attorney |
Posted by: Nerine - 01-05-2022, 09:07 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
I need a divorce attorney to handle my case in Salina, Monterey County. I have been married for 23 years, separated for 5 years. And have been treated unfairly by my other attorneys who just keep billing me but not representing and defending me fairly. I was offered a settlement but declined as I would lose all income if I accepts the offer. Children are all grown but there is real estate property involved to which my wife wants everything and isn't willing to split 50/50. No family-owned business is involved. I do have credit card debt. I'm getting cheated on the equity, I have no problem with each of us owning half the equity on the properties. My wife's attorney has said if I gets half the equity then I would not get any alimony, and my wife earns $300,000+ per year. I also want to know the cost of covering my case?
I want the help of a Divorce Lawyer |
Posted by: Nerine - 01-05-2022, 05:15 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
I'm looking for a divorce lawyer to help me with my divorce. I have been married since 2009, separated for 3/4 years. No children. My wife has a house in South Beach, FL & Beverley Hills, CA, and is a luxury clothing designer that earns a 1M+ per year. I was given 2 Mercedes during the marriage and got accustomed to the luxury lifestyle and I want money from my divorce.
I want to sue UPS for the lost of my package |
Posted by: Nerine - 01-05-2022, 03:08 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).
I need an attorney to sue UPS for losing my package, they declined to pay for the package. We sent a product shipment to a customer, they lost the package, but they told us that package was in a location that we can pick up. So we waited and then found out that was the standard message they have set up. They said they did an investigation but never provided up with any documents.