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  Need lawyer for Litigation
Posted by: josephpinnock - 04-28-2022, 09:33 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I was in a hit-and-run car accident and now I have brain damage. I was doing 60 in the right lane when the person doing 80 hit me and I rolled down a hill into the drainage. I am a victim of elder abuse and elder fraud.

I have a court date coming up on May 3, 2022, at 8:30 and I need someone to represent me. The court is the Superior Court in California, County of San Bernardino and the judge is XXXX XXXX. You can access the website at www.sbcourt.org and type in my case number XXXXX to get more information on the case. I had a lawyer name XXXX XXXX, but I have been calling her but not getting any response.

I owned a house and because my checking got cut off in 2018 due to Covid, I had to take in some tenants to make money. They found out and charge me for illegal detainer. They took my house. I don’t have any source of income and that’s why they took my place.

I am using one of the Obama phones so it cannot access the internet. I can receive calls and text messages but not emails.

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  Need assistance from Lawyers by winrate
Posted by: Donesia - 04-28-2022, 09:16 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

Hi, I wanted to contact Lawyers by win rate. I found the website doing a Google search, called the number, and got US Arbitration Corp. I'm going through a legal separation/divorce in which my case is overseen by Judge XXXX XXXX in the Superior Court of Yolo County Ca. I'm interested in finding information about the win rate concerning that judge. I want to hire an attorney. I already have an attorney but I'm dissatisfied with the way he is handling the case. I need someone to contact me from lawyers by winrate and deals in family court.

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  Seeking a refund for surgery not done
Posted by: josephpinnock - 04-28-2022, 06:05 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

At the end of 2009, I was scheduled for a neck and facelift. Prepayment of over $17000 with an additional Recovery fee. However, when I arrive in the OR and was put under, the Surgeon decided not to do my surgery. I do not know why. I woke up with bandages on my face I put in the recovery process. I was not told for almost 2 weeks later that my surgery was not done. I never received any kind of refund.

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  Consultation about building permit
Posted by: josephpinnock - 04-28-2022, 05:34 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I would like some consultation about a building permit. I bought the house 35 years ago from Coldwell Banker Realty - El Dorado County.  When I bought the house it came with a carport and roughly 10 years ago a tree fell on it. I rebuilt the carport and added 3 walls to give it more support. 

Around 2 months ago we did a refile and the Coldwell banker realty came to the house to do a walkthrough. They told me that the carport didn’t have a permit so I would need to get one. I have someone drawing up the plan to show them and if that doesn’t work out when I show them it then I don’t know what to do.

They told me that I have 5 days left to get the permit or I am going to have to start paying $100 per day. Is there any statute of limitation on it? How can you help me? I don’t understand what is happening since I bought the house with the carport on it.

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  Seeking legal assistance to stop my sister from being my conservative
Posted by: josephpinnock - 04-27-2022, 05:20 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I am a 70-year-old woman who lives in Vine Garden and last week, my sister XXXX XXXX, who is much older than me, called and told me that she wanted to be my conservative but I don't want her to be my conservative. I told her I don't want her to be my conservative. A few days passed when she stopped talking about it until yesterday she called me saying that she is going to go through with it. I do not know if she has any legal representatives on her side. My brother and I receive the house I am currently living in from our parents after they passed away. We paid off the house so we are now the sole owners of the house. I own a house in Hesperia for myself and I rent it to one person. The rent that I receive from there is my only source of income and my sister is saying she wants to take control of my money.

My sister's husband help me once to get a lady that I was renting my place in Hesperia out. I don't own a car so I would ask my sister to do things for me sometimes but I didn't know it would get to where she wanted control over my money. I am a small lady and my sister is tall and much bigger in the body. She mentioned that I left her here and there and I don't know what she is talking about.

I want to get an attorney to get her to stop because I get quite a bit of money from there. I also would like to know how much it would cost to get this done.

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  Seeking extension of notice to vacate property
Posted by: Donesia - 04-27-2022, 04:41 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I'm a tenant living in the city of Del Dios California, renting a property from XXXX XXXX. I have been living there since 2016 and the landlord is now asking us to move by May 11, 2022. The landlord is asking us to move so she can move her elderly mother into the house. I have not received an eviction letter but I have received an email from an attorney in Texas informing me that we would need to move out of the house by then. Five of us living there, my two daughters, son-in-law and my grandson. It is a two-bedroom, one-bath, and half-space and we have paid our rent and have nothing owing on the property. We are unable to move by the time frame given because I'm trying to find a new place but have not been able to. I have applied for one property and was told they would respond to me within 20 days. We are still looking place to rent and have an appointment today to view another property. When I applied for a new property, the property manager told me not to worry and that we wouldn't have to move.

It has been hard for us because unfortunately we were affected by Covid. My daughter was hospitalized in 2020 for almost 9 days and was on disability for five months. Covid has affected us and because of that, we are unable to move by the time they said they want the house. I have also sent an email to the attorney in April of this month explaining our situation and asking for them to give us until the end of May but he has not responded. I tried calling him last week and this week and have not been able to get through. My friend who is also a real estate agent has tried emailing him as well and got no response. I have been stressed and crying and a lot of people told me not to worry because it was not my fault. I am seeking legal help to get an extension until May 31, 2022.

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  Dispute with roommate
Posted by: josephpinnock - 04-27-2022, 01:04 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

My roommate and I have an agreement that he would stay at my place at XXXX XXXX in Hillsboro. I gave him a 30-day notice to move out in June 2022. He is on the lease, but I am the main person on the lease. I moved here with my mom in 2018 and she passed in 2020.

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  Victim of identity theft
Posted by: Donesia - 04-26-2022, 09:35 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I need to talk to someone personally about my case to get to the bottom of what is happening. I'm suspected to be a victim of identity theft. I think someone has hacked into my phone because I've been receiving warnings from my phone someone hacked it. This has been going on for a long time now and is only getting worse. I believe someone has stolen my identity and they are using it to turn people against me. I don't know who is doing this to me but they are trying to smear my reputation. I'm getting a bad reaction from people, they are giving me a hard time and I don't even know them. This is somewhat of a social issue and I think this case is about character assassination. If someone has stolen my identity I would like to find out.

I have personal information that I would like to share with the lawyer when he contacts me. I believe that this is somewhat my fault but would rather share more details with a legal representative.

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  HITBTC exchange arbitration
Posted by: Donesia - 04-22-2022, 01:09 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

Dear US Arbitration:
I lost my Crypto (doge coins) and that was struck at the HITBTC exchange, 6 months back my total Doge coins were mistakenly sent to changelly.com. Actually changelly is the coin exchange website that will allow to exchange any coin for bitcoin, so in 2019 I have used changelly.com to convert my Doge coins to BTC at that time the transaction done successfully, but last 6 months back doge coins were sent to same changelly website mistakenly, I have verified my KYC on changelly but they said, HITBTC is my service provider, if they respond to us, we will solve your issue, HITBTC exchange is the service provider for Changelly website, any dogecoin send to changelly website the coins directly will go to HITBTC exchange. Changelly website wrote several messages to HITBTC team to check my dogecoin deposit, but still changelly did not get any response from the HITBTC team, so changelly also not supporting me because HITBTC is not responding to solve this issue, So I have emailed to HITBTC support team, they noticed my transaction, but they said we have escalated your issue to Backend team to check your issue, still now their backend team did not responded to their local support or changelly support team, if ask any exchange about my money they are saying "still there is no update about your issue" same thing from last 6 months.

HITBTC does have an arbitration provision--I lost my total savings on this, please help me. Thank you.

Status: In arbitration

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  Seeking relief for friend incarcerated for a federal offence
Posted by: josephpinnock - 04-18-2022, 07:46 PM - Forum: Arbitration questions - No Replies

Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

Federal criminal law question, a friend of mine is incarcerated for a federal offense (18 uscs 1959), yet he was never properly indicted nor is he adjudicated on a federal element. He's been appealing for years and has been given the run-around. What kind of available relief can he get?

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