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  EpiPen class action lawsuit
Posted by: Donesia - 05-18-2022, 03:59 PM - Forum: Arbitration information - No Replies

The EpiPen class action lawsuit began after Mylan, the makers of EpiPen, decided to raise the price of the two-pack of EpiPens from $100 to $600 in 2016. This hike in prices, along with the necessity to purchase new EpiPens every 12 to 18 months before they expired, meant that many consumers could no longer afford this life-saving device. The lawsuit alleged that consumers had been overcharged for each EpiPen purchased and, since 2011, had been forced to purchase the EpiPen 2-Pak every time they purchased an EpiPen. The defendants were able to do this because of their control of the epinephrine auto-injector market. According to the Consumer Proof of Claim form, in order to be eligible to file a claim form and receive a cash distribution from the settlement, the consumer must be a person who paid or provided reimbursement for some or all of the purchase price of branded EpiPen or EpiPen Jr. devices or authorized generic versions of EpiPen devices between August 24, 2011 and November 1, 2020. Consumers who purchased EpiPen refills are not included in the class because they were not affected by this alleged conspiracy. EpiPen refills are available for around $20 each and have been an affordable alternative to the climbing cost of the EpiPen.

Status: under further investigation

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  Taking legal action against law firm
Posted by: josephpinnock - 05-18-2022, 02:46 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I am from Angelina County Lowest Texas and I would appreciate if you could call me back so we can discuss matters of a civil case I have in litigation.

This is about legal malpractice. I was in had an incident and now I have back problem so I was doing a settlement demand case with the aid of Daspit Law firm. They gave me 3 lawyers to assist with my case and the second lawyer told me that I would get $50,000 but then the lawyer was switched to Mr. C who told me, I would receive 5-10 thousand dollars but I only receive $4000. I received the check of $4000 on the 14th of April 2022.

I believe that I was treated unfairly and the lawyers are being racist against me. I didn’t receive all the $50,000 I was told I was going to get by the second lawyer or the 5-10 thousand I was told by Mr. C I would get. There is no remedy for my back which is getting worst day by day so I would like to take legal action against the whole Law firm because I am on one fix income that cannot really help to pay for my surgeries. I want the $50,000 plus money for my surgeries.

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  Suing ex-husband for adult child support and punitive damages
Posted by: Donesia - 05-17-2022, 07:33 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I had received the messages from you and it would be fine to provide my email for the Legal Team to reach out to me. I would like to know what options I have. Even if this does not work out I would like to get a free consultation if you even guide me in the right direction. I would like to do arbitration, hoping my ex-husband will be willing to make a settlement but if he doesn't want to do that, then I'm willing to go to court.

I want to sue my ex-husband "D" for backed child support for my adult child and punitive damages. I shared two children with my ex-husband, we were married for 19 years and we have been divorced for 6 years. Everything with the divorce was finalized in 2016. My adult son "S" who is now 22 years has been sick since he was 13 years and my ex-husband had abandoned us from then, never helped with child support or anything, and had also kicked us out on the street. I'm also on medication that inhibits me from getting things done promptly and getting the right people to help me and that is what I mean by punitive damage because her ex-husband knew how I was and he put us out on the street.

My son was diagnosed with schizoaffective bipolar disorder with drug-induced psychosis. He is a chronic relapser because he didn't get the help he needed. He also has ADH, lacks insight, and doesn't have awareness of his illness, which makes it hard for him to be treated. He is very severe and acute in his illness which is why he needs specialized treatment that he has never received. My son was also involved in the lawsuit against Keiser but the lawyer that was dealing with the case never contacted me back. I don't have any information about that case anymore because my purse was stolen from her car. When they won the case I didn't hear back so we didn't receive any compensation.

I'm 57 years and I'm suffering, my health is suffering and I have used all my money over the years to take care of my son. I want to put him in the right facility for him to receive treatment but it is expensive so I need his father to play his part. I understand that parents are not responsible for adult children but he is an adult child based on his medical condition and since his father failed over the years to play his part he needs to now take care of him. He has lots of properties, money, and businesses so he can afford to do it. He is in the trucking business and he is also set to inherit his father's business because he is an only child. He can easily earn 800k per day.

My ex-husband is a narcissist, he was very abusive to me and my family. My son needs the help, he has the money and I have witnesses that have all seen what he did. I'm currently living with my older son, trying to get my place, on a fixed income, SSDI, earning about $2500 per month, and cannot afford to get the help my son needs. He has been to 28 hospitals and the Antipsychotic drugs they have him on are not helping, just dumbing him down, where he's drooling and unable to communicate. He's not getting better just worse than when he started. He is not a criminal but he beat somebody up and they are now charging him. He was taken to the Atascadero hospital in California. This is like a prison for the mentally disturbed. They sent him there because he is mentally incompetent to stand trial. He has been there for a year now and all his doctors agree that he is unable to restore competency. They are going to send him back soon, around July, so I need to have a plan to get my son the help he needs. I want to sue her ex-husband so he can pay for the medical facility I would like to get him in. Those facilities cost like 25k for 20 days, it's very expensive but those are the places that can help him. He doesn’t even have to give me the money. He can put it in a trust fund where I don't have to touch it.

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  Lien dispute
Posted by: josephpinnock - 05-17-2022, 05:21 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I need a lawyer that can help with a lien on my property. It was placed on my property 3 years ago during the time my son had a case going on. A lady from the Northern Republic came to my house and told me to sign a paper. I was told to sign the papers but I wasn't sure about the amount they would take from my property. I recently found out that it is $230,000.

I wasn't told much and have the lien paper can provide the lawyer with. I don't have an email address so I'll provide you with my husband's own. 

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  Dispute with mother's fiduciary
Posted by: Donesia - 05-16-2022, 10:07 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I would like to get a lawyer to assist with locating XXXX XXXX. "P" sold my mother's house, has been using her money, not responding to my calls, doesn't send any mails and I would like to know who is above her. My mother died over a year ago and since then I have not been able to hear from "P". She was appointed by the court as my mother's fiduciary after we went to court and the judge decided that was what needed to happen.

My mother was in good health, she got remarried to my stepfather who suffered from Alzheimer's. I moved in with them to assist with taking care of my step father, I bathed him, feed him, and more. I took care of him for 8 years and nobody came to help but after he broke his hip it made it difficult to take care of him because I couldn't lift a 6ft 4 inches man.

My step dad daughter would show up periodically, once a year to just leave groceries on the counter. She had always wanted the house. The house was paid for and she wanted the house so she wanted everybody out. My mother didn't want to move out but she said whether I stayed there or not, at some time in their lives they will have to move out. After "P" was appointed by the court they packed up all their things and put them in storage. I didn't even get her mother's China that I wanted. They ended up putting him in a home and at the time my mother didn't need to go in a home but because she didn't want him to be there by himself so she went as well.

What "P" is doing is wrong, she sold my mother's house, took her money and I'm not hearing from her. Every person I hired to help my step dad they said she is going to use my mother's money until it's gone. It's now May and tax season is over and my mother died over a year ago. I have lived at the same place for 30 years so she can't say she has the wrong address for me. She mentioned XXXX XXXX was together on this and he said she is the worse and this is not the first time she is doing this and that it is illegal.

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  Need help with seeking asylum in the US
Posted by: Donesia - 05-16-2022, 08:00 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I'm from Afghanistan and was looking for an attorney to help me fill out a form to apply for asylum in the United States. I came from Afghanistan on a visa to the US last year September with my 3 years old son. We are currently alone in the US and my wife is in France. I would also like to find a solution for my wife to get her here in the US with us. I'm living now in San Diego California.

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  Dispute with home owner and insurance company
Posted by: josephpinnock - 05-16-2022, 06:21 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I have a  case I would like to discuss with you. I have a supply line in my Condo that broke on March 11, 2022, that cost about $200,000. This is the second time one of the supply lines broke but the first time there was no damage done and I fixed it. My insurance company State Farm told me that I am not legally liable but the board of directors of the home owner for Mosaic Condo SMA told me that I am legally liable and I need to pay a fee of $100,000.

They sent me a letter stating that I have 10 days to pay the fine and I am responsible for it because from the first one broke, I should have changed all of them. when the first one broke I told the board and they came and inspect it but said nothing to me so I got a plumber to come and change it. The plumber told me that the way the supply line broke is very unusual and I shouldn’t change the others so I didn’t. On the home owner policy, it stated that if I am told to pay a fine and I don’t then I will be taken to collection.

I don’t know if I should sue my insurance company or the home owner. It have passed the 10 days I was given to pay the $100,000 fine so I would like to be contacted as soon as possible. 

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  Seeking legal advice
Posted by: josephpinnock - 05-13-2022, 08:18 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I want to know if my situation is something I can even fight for or sue them for. So on Offer up, I sold a gold watch and a gold bracelet to two separate individuals and they both wanted a refund so I said okay and I issued the refunds but they never sent back the jewelry, and offer up hasn’t helped or got my items back or sent me any money for returning the peoples money and getting robbed for both items.

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  Seeking lawyer to help with Trust and eviction issues
Posted by: Donesia - 05-13-2022, 07:17 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I'm a 77 years old man that has only Social Security and would like a lawyer to help me get m money from a trust and assist with a rental issue. I have been renting this house for 20 years and they raised the rent by 200% within 8 days after I signed a paper saying that my wife had a rental arrangement. The paper was given to me after my wife died. The paper said she had a special trust for me to clean up the mess in the house and that with the rental agreement they could raise the rent by 200%. I reached out to Legal Rights that said there is no such thing unless they are making their own laws. The reason they raised the rent by so much was to see if they could get me to move.

I hired an attorney "G" in Long Beach to help me but later found out that he was not an eviction attorney. I paid him $4000 for my eviction/rental payment issue and $3000 to assist with the trust and he did nothing to help me. The issue with the eviction was dismissed with the help of Legal Rights for LA county and I was also told that no eviction until December 2022, so I won't worry about that. What I'm more concerned about is the Trust. The trustee's attorney calls leaving me messages that they don't believe I have an attorney because they have not been hearing from him. The attorney has not done anything to help but collected my money. He told me that he had spoken to them but he didn't.

The house is now owned by my brother-in-law XXXX XXXX and he is the one doing this to me. He giving me a hard time because he hated that I used to stick up for my wife, his sister. The trust was in my mother and father-in-law's name and after the mother died they left my wife the trust. My wife fell ill with cancer and died and for her wish she wanted me and her nephew who she raised to have $300,000 each. My brother-in-law Greg didn't like that.

Before my wife died, we paid for many years $550 for rent and after her death, her brother raised the rent by $1000 and it has been raised again since so now I'm paying $1650 for rent. He raised it by 200%, then 8% and it will probably be raised again because it has been going on for years. My brother in-law takes the rent money from the trust. He got a bank account and has taken over $40,000 out of the trust. What he did with raising the rent was not legal. He should have waited 30 days and he didn't, instead, he raised it 8 days after.

I asked everybody in the family to help me and they told me that it was my problem. I had two heart attacks because of this emotional situation. They sent me nasty stuff every time I send the rent. At my age and with what I have been through I'm surprised that I'm alive. I have been stressed and this has also affected my blood pressure. After everything that I have been through I would like to get the house. I have everything in writing and can’t afford to pay an attorney because I'm out of money from paying the other attorney.

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  Seeking lawyer to help with resentence
Posted by: josephpinnock - 05-13-2022, 06:39 PM - Forum: Past or Current cases - No Replies

Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I am calling from lawyers by winrate and I am looking for a lawyer to help my brother XXXX E. XXXX who is in prison. My brother has been in prison for 25 years and he was sentenced in 1999. My brother’s case number is XXXX and his jail number is XXXX. He went to appeal his case about a month ago in which he had a court lawyer and his appeal got denied.

My brother was found out for murder, robbery, and 1st-arsenal property in which he was only convicted for robbery, 1st-degree arsenal property but not murder because he said he doesn’t know who did it. The jury said he wasn’t the major participant who act in indifference toward human life. He needs representation to resentence his case.

I have an email but I don’t know how to use it to receive or send an email.

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