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Hacked through T-Mobile
Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I got hacked through T-Mobile and lost everything online. This happened on July 13, 2022. I have been back and forth with Microsoft and T-Mobile since then. I started noticing that I can't access my emails and my passwords were being changed, and 2-factor authenticators were being added. Weeks later I received a letter from T-Mobile saying my SIM card was being re-associated. I have 5 certified illnesses for the 9/11 World Trade Center program, and all my information was wiped out. It was 36 points of information that I lost, including 9/11, screenplays, cartoons, cancer stories for 11 years and notes, files, pictures, 22,000 emails, and all my interviews. Either they deleted it or I no longer have access to anything, as they were all associated with one email address.

I recently had a check bounce for $75, as I was getting billed for a subscription and didn't know, as I no longer have access to my email, and don't remember all the things that were on it. My previous attorney CB, told me last week that he could no longer do anything for me, and this was something that he was just learning about. He told me that I should go through arbitration. He had been helping me for the last 5 months, and wanted to resolve it before it went to arbitration, and we were working on numbers, but T-Mobile laughed at us. I wasn't in the meeting, it was just my lawyer and T-Mobile's lawyer, and I don't know what they said to my lawyer, but they did say something to him and he turned quickly. I am past the point of being mad, and I had 16 days to figure out what I was missing. I did interviews with NBC, Fox News, and others. I lost 25,000 email contacts that took me 20+ years to collect. I don't know anything about this process, but I have letters and emails, and I don't know what I can use from CB, so I don't get sued. 

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Hacked through T-Mobile - by kishana.n - 06-12-2023, 05:39 PM

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