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Excentral International Investment Dispute
Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason)

I invested in Excentral International, a forex broker based in Turkey. I was tricked into investing all my money to a total of $40,000 USD. The accounts manager assigned to me initially assisted me in making money in my forex trading. After I earned about $20,000, my account manager insisted I close all my open trades including my bitcoin crypto trade which was making money. He said I will be instructed shortly on how I can make my bitcoin trade double. He then made me open trades that I did not have any idea, were losing trades. All I know was that he was helping me become profitable as he promised since I held a gold account and I according to him was valuable and entitled to trading assistance. Then that same night all my trades lost, a total of more than 60K USD. Can I file a complaint against the Account Manager or with Forex Broker -
Excentral International ? Do you think I have a good case to win?

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Excentral International Investment Dispute - by Nerine - 05-20-2021, 05:16 PM

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