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Case against Instacart for account deactivation
Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I live in Canada and would like to file a case against Instacart for account deactivation.

I had submitted information to you. I was working for Instacart and was doing alright, doing my deliveries every time and ensuring that they were delivered to the customers. One time I left the items inside a lobby area, the customer reported that the items were not delivered and Instacart refused to believe me despite I have a picture that shows that the items were delivered. The customer lived on the 10th floor and I was delivering heavy items so it would be a bit difficult to take them there and that is why the items were left in the lobby area and the customer was informed of this. There are cameras inside the building and I know that the customer was the one that picked up the items.

Status: under review
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