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71-year old would like to sue for being wrongly accused
Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I wanted to know if you have attorneys that handle criminal laws and how much do you charge? 

I am a 71-year-old lady who was wrongly convicted on Dec 13, 2021, for threatening to stab XXXX XXXX with a steak knife. My case was tried in the Oroville Superior Court, in which I was found guilty and awaiting sentencing set for Feb 9th, 2022. My public defender is trying to get me into the mental health diversion program because of my health and age and if I was to serve jail time I wouldn't do well. However, I don't feel I should accept that offer because I felt they lied and now they want me to look like a deranged lunatic. If I accepts the mental health program that will mean I'm admitting to being guilty when I'm not. I want to sue XXXX XXXX for 1 million dollars for what she has done to my life. Before this conviction, I have never been arrested or had my mug shot taken and this is all due to the lies they told.

I rented a room from XXXX in which she was going to be my caregiver where I receive in-home support services. When I lived with her, I was only living with her for a month when she called the sheriff on me and had me dragged out of the house like a deranged animal. They had my clothes falling off and I wasn't allowed to pull my pants up. The deputy that testified against me didn't say anything and believed what XXXX told him even though I kept telling him they were lying. He handcuffed me so tight that every time the vehicle bumps I had to scream so hard. When I returned from jail that night I was locked out of the house because XXXX never gave me a key. We lived in the woods where XXXX had lots of animals and that night I was so scared because of fear of sleeping in my car and the coyotes coming out. It was pitch black and because I have some issues with my vision the cab driver had to help me. He called the sheriff so that they could let her back into the house. My whole mind and body were shaken by the experience and this was because she lied about everything. We did disagree but what was said on the stand was one lie after the other.

I moved in with her on January 19th, 2021 which I paid her $700. $150 for moving and $550 for the rent. Little after I moved in, XXXX moved her son in. She lied on the stand saying that I didn't pay her any money. She also had me sign a form that indicated if I was injured in any way on her property by animals or even died I could not sue them. I didn't have anywhere to go and they took all my stuff. They wanted me out and when I had to move, I didn't have any money to go back for her stuff. I live in Wood Bridge now and I had to go back and forth for court in Oroville which is 2 and half hours drive. I have very low income and physically it was a hardship to go back and forth to court. I also had a public defender who I felt didn't care about me. He was rude and abrupt. I felt like he was looking for the easiest way out.

Four people testified against me, Monica, her husband, her son, and the deputy who all lied. The son wasn't there when the incident happened. The husband was in the room at the time and the deputy who wasn't there but believed what Monica said. I don't know if she should mention this but the family was black and with everything nowadays  is about BLM. I felt like they saw me as just an old white lady who was disposable. I thought they were kind, caring people and I did like them in the beginning. I didn't have a problem with them but apparently, they had a problem with me.
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