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International Civil Law: Arrested in Belgium
Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason)

6, almost 7, days my father was arrested. On the first day, nothing was told to us (his family) or anyone else. Do we have a right to see him, can you help? He actively works at "GetTransfer" and almost every day drives random people to random places in and out of Belgium. Yes, he lives in Belgium, that is where he drove a man, who is hunted in all Europe (based in France). He, obviously, didn't know that the man was a hunted criminal, he just drove him a few times to the destination he said. And he went through the "GetTransfer" system, so it can be checked. He is held, because of something, perhaps that he might (just might, that is obviously NOT) help the man transfer illegal substances. Can a lawyer call the embassies involved?
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