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Wrongfully arrested and deemed incompetent
Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

This is regarding a wrongful 3-day hold on involuntary arrest and being deemed incompetent. They took my phone that I was using to record, and I didn't get it back and, in the report, they didn't mention anything about my phone. They tried to put me on 5250, now I'm ruled incompetent to stand trial. The original arrest was made on June 8, 2019, but I was ruled mentally incompetent this February. I trespassed at the Goldstein's Mortuary & Deli bar at 1779 Wishon Avenue, Fresno. I went there before with no issues. It was a minor misunderstanding, and I thought I would've just gotten a verbal warning and my incident number when they told me they weren't going to let me in. The cops wouldn't give me the incident number or the number to speak with the owner of the business then I was arrested by the Fresno Police Department. The business I trespassed on didn't provide any CCTV video, which they should have as they sold alcohol, and my video was stolen. They only have about 8 or 9 videos from the police. They also have body cam videos with time stamps. They stole my phone, and the police supervisor is also making laws in other counties, and he ran against our mayor, and they are all in bed together. We have a big mess in Fresno.

I would like to get myself competent, but it is all very scary. They shouldn't just dismiss the charges, not like this. They should help me to get competent first. I need a court order to get paperwork for the mental health part of it. I just need help getting that one piece of paper of my medical from them to release the stuff they have. I don't think the lawyers I had represented me well. I also need to understand the charges and help in my defense, which I did. I provided all the information I gathered in my trial, and I was doing public records and I got more evidence. The reporting party changed the story. I am trying to clear my name and be able to press charges to get 5150. They took away my second amendment rights.

The Electronic Frontier Foundation, which is a nationwide organization working to bring the world of electronics into the future was interested in my case. I think it's because of the body cam camera, but the public defender wouldn't give them access to my file. If you think this is something you can help with, you can team up with them, and it will also be more exposure for both organizations. I found it strange that the public defender didn't want to give up the case to an outside attorney, and I don't know if that is legal. They refused to share information. It's about tax dollars, and they don't have enough for a lawyer, but they didn't want them to take the case. It will be put out there and made public. I also have a YouTube channel called Miss5250 and posted over 100 videos on it. I also found 2 or 3 other persons they had done this to in Fresno County. I would like to pursue a civil case against them and press charges.

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