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Unfair settlement for my company injury case
Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

Well, I need help in my case but I am having a hard time with trust to any attorney law help. Because my last attorney for my company had a low ball settlement a false statement injury case. I feel my life is in change. Can I write you my case of what happened and you can decide if you will support or just? Well, I was treated unfairly by my attorney who supposes to get the best outta my case. Instead, I was cheated and low-ball settle on my worker's comp case. The attorney and insurance have a false statement on my comp case injury which is not a good look or good faith. I can't believe it. It hurts me a lot of hopelessness around this cov19. Please I want rights justice and relationship as teamwork. Most and last is to recover from disability and my life my health is important serious right now as we speak. I was treated unfairly at work bully at work doing everything working. Over time every day for one hour and working, I was overwhelmed sent to the emergency room in an ambulance. I was on FMLA leave and file a claim and on my return to work from leave I was treated differently change workplace sign and I refuse to sign and I was let go because of the FMLA comp case on my return. From there I'm hopeless till now.
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