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Used car sale deceptive practices allegations
Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I was told by the service manager and the district manager that if I let anyone other than the dealerships' specified mechanic and repair shop inspect the vehicle, it would void the limited warranty already in place with the sale if the car; even with it being an "as-is" sale. I did know the car was being purchased as-is, yet the dealership included their supposed own limited warranty. The dealership's district manager specifically told me to let the service manager handle any and all problems that may arise with the car. Every time I sent it in to their specified repair shop, I was told the issue was fixed, but never received any paperwork or receipt to show what was repaired. I have all of the dates and messages made to the service manager as well. I hope this helps. Thanks again for all you've already done and what you continue to do for us consumers!

Status: under review
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