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Online retail sale dispute after product out of stock
Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

Hi, I made an order online with this US based company on the 17th of January. I had ordered a clothing piece of their site that I was very excited to receive. A couple days after I had placed my order I got an email from the company saying that the clothing piece I had ordered was sold out in the color I wanted and they then proceeded to ask if I wanted to exchange the color I originally wanted for a different one, which I didn’t want to do as the color I had originally ordered was the only color I wanted, and if it wasn’t for that color I would have probably never ordered off their site to begin with.

I ended up replying back to them saying that I did not want to swap for a different color and that I would rather want a refund instead. I then received an email back saying that they had a non-refund policy and that I could only swap for a different color or turn what I had spent into online store credit. Which in other situations I would’ve understood, but in this situation I was, and still am struggling to understand why I wouldn’t be able to get a refund over something that wasn’t my fault. In this situation it was the store’s responsibility to have the right amount of stock quantity on their website. Their wrong doings led to me spending money on an item that wasn’t even there and now they’re not letting me get back my money. Like I said if it wasn’t for that one item I would’ve not ordered off their site as the rest of the clothes they sell weren’t anything that I was personally interested in.

I proceeded to send an email letting them know my point of view and how it did not make sense that I would loose money based off their mistake. And they just stopped completely answering after I introduced the idea of possibly taking it to court.

Status: resolved
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