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Posted by Nerine - 05-20-2021, 06:12 PM
Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason)

Child protective order. My boyfriend is in jail and is going back to rehab and we have a daughter together. His mom came here where me and my mom live and I was getting ready to go clean houses. She told mom I knew she wasn’t working and said she’s with men and when I come home she got in my face and ask me what I was doing and I told her to get out of my face went to bed with my baby. She was snooping through the house and climbed up on the commode and found a crack pipe and she called the law. She knew I had a warrant on me law came and arrested me and his mom showed the cop crack pipe and he said I can’t charge her with that or I’ll have to take you to jail. When we moved here this home was busted for drugs and she found it. The cop told her she wasn’t allowed to take the baby without her mother's permission and she took the baby anyway and where she’s from, she got a child protection order she feared the baby was in danger. The judge in her town asked me if I was willing to take a hair follicle test and urine test. I can’t understand why they don’t bring the case here in Mt Sterling where I’m from. She has court tomorrow and that’s why she could use a good attorney but not from her town. They know I don’t have any money and she said I’ll nail you to the wall.

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