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Posted by Nerine - 05-20-2021, 06:20 PM
Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason)

I'm trying to find out if Saint Mary Corwin Hospital in Pueblo Colorado has some sort of an arbitration act or trying to find out how to get some sort of compensation from them for an incident that happened when my wife went in there to have an upper endoscopy?

My wife had a procedure scheduled to be done on November 15th, 2019 I believe. When she went in and was called to the back by the nurse to start getting her prepped I went with her. While we were back there my wife asks the nurse a question about if she was going to get something to bite on because they were going to stick a tube down her throat and had problems with her teeth so she was wondering if she was going to have something to bite on and the nurse made a hateful remark telling her it doesn't matter because when the procedure is over, all her teeth will be knocked out anyway. That wasn't the first time he said it, he said it once in the back when it was me, her, that nurse, and another nurse, then they took her to the back by herself and he said it to her again when it was just him and her and she was really scared. Then when the procedure was about ready to start all the nurses and doctors were getting ready to start the procedure and heard him repeat himself a third time telling her about it doesn't matter because when the procedure is done or her teeth are going to be knocked out anyway. The doctor called for a brief meeting with the other nurses and doctors and they went off to the side without that one male nurse that made this comment. I'm trying to find an attorney to handle this case as my wife was really scared and she has a hard time trusting anybody especially after comments from a nurse in a profession that he carried.

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