US Arbitration Corp.
Brinks Prepaid Card Redemption Dispute - Printable Version

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Brinks Prepaid Card Redemption Dispute - Nerine - 11-01-2021

Here is a previous question that was asked by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

Can you give me advice about how do I redeem my money back that's has been stuck on to different cards and I filed a complaint on here and I never heard anything and it was $293 on one for my bills, $295 on another one and that's been like 3 to 4 months back. Then when I filed a complaint and I need my money. I want to sue these people because they have taken me through so much about my money. And I put money on the other card because the one that I put my money on the first time was stuck on there and it keeps reading error. I want it so that's what made me have to low money again on to another card so the same week money got stuck out two different cards out inside me that's like almost $500 something dollars that I wouldn't didn't have access to because it was stuck on this card is still had to find ways to pay my bill because that was my bill money.

I sent legal aid paperwork for me the sign I signed it and sent it back and I hadn't heard anything from no one because I have never been through this before so I don't know who to go to and I've been trying to file complaints and hadn't heard from anyone it was going to and Brinks prepaid card.