US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Mental Health Dispute
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Here is a previous question that was asked by ***(Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I went to appt for weight loss program bc weight gain is affecting my life and properly taking care of myself but denied any services at all at any time bc mental health dr last month when I reported issues to her all she said was to make healthier food choices, but I don’t have any I starve myself for weeks at a time until I’m weak and made to eat something I’m now constantly severely depressed I have absolutely no energy and my mental health is increasing and rapid. I already have trust issues with medication and Drs, death was near with more than a few of their mixes and neglected though out many different treatments. What can I do legally? This could cost me everything bc I’m suicidal and a year ago attempted and mentally I’m not functioning properly and my mental condition is at high risk but I need help there’s gotta be help if not I don’t know where to turn or go please help me.
hello!!!! people are facing  mental health issues due to career, relationship crises.many more factors are there. i just want to suggest you a basic therapy. spend some time with nature, do gardening, morning walk, if possible swimming also can be done. these things really helpful.