US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Help with restraining order
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

The client said she needed representation for a restraining order. She said it was against her ex-boyfriend, VT. She said he was a senior. She said she dated him for about a year and a half. She said the first year she would see him mostly on Saturdays because she was working two jobs in the first part. She said in the last 9 months she received a state of Illinois rental assistance and he helped her to find a property. She said it was right behind his old property where he lived and grew up. She said she met him in high school and they weren't friends, but they shared some mutual friends. She said he spent several years in jail and was released in October 2019. She said he reached out to a mutual friend and demanded her phone number. She said they were afraid of him and have him her number. She said when he got her number he said he wanted to get a hair cut and he reached out, but she took several weeks to respond. She said he was a bully in high school and she only went to the same school for 1 year then she transferred. She said she never saw or heard from him until 30 years later he contacted her. She said she is a licensed barber and cut his and his mother's hair before she passed away.

She said throughout the relationship she found out he had a colorful past and committed a couple of murders and went to jail for them. She said when his mom passed away she was notified that she can move and was approved. She said they now shared the same alley that he grew up in as his house was 4 houses down. She said he has young children, 5 and 8 years old. She said she moved to the house in June and he dropped his kids at her house. She said they spent 33 days at her house. She said after about 2 weeks she went down to where he lived, but he was sick and sitting in the dark. She said he was on prescription drugs maybe 10-15 medicines for medical issues. She said she told him that they should go for a ride, and went and met in an accident. She said when she went to the hospital for check-ups the nurse asked whose kids they were and she told them they were his kids. She said when they got released she told him school will be starting, so it was time to take the kids home as they lived about 2 hours away. She said he never came with her and she took them home. She said through the whole car ride he was texting her saying that it was his children and she has no right to take them home and she should bring his kids back and use expletives. She said she dropped the kids off and returned and told him she can’t deal with a person who wants her to be responsible for his kids and he was not there. She said she has two children also, at the time they were 18 and 13 years old.

She said VT convinced her to help him start a lawn mower service. She said she got a truck in her name. She said during the fall when the kids had left after the season was over she realized she was working harder than him and she asked for money, but he didn’t want to pay her. He said the money wasn’t clear and she told him that the next season she wouldn't help him, he was on his own. She said she then told him it was not working for her and the relationship. She said she was not sure how sick he was, and he told her that he was working through the problem and he went to a place that she thought was helping. She said she then found out it was a methadone place. She said he stored some equipment at her house, so he asked for a key to the basement and she said it was okay. She said he wasn’t the person she thought he was and when they got money from the settlement they would go separate ways. He said she told her that she should be helping him to raise the kids. She said she told him she doesn’t have time and patience and she gave him names of places that could help tutor his kids. She said she told him the relationship can’t work if she can’t do things. She said she can't have him around her kids while he was sick. She said her kids are now 21 and 15.

She said he was approved for SSI and she became his payee, but in September 2022 she took her name off and he started becoming aggressive. She said they owed a mortgage and the bank took the house after his mother died. She said he moved to a mobile in Caromont City. She said after he moved they were still having intimate relations, but she was trying to pull away from him and started to threaten his kids. She said her son had a baby at 20 and in October 2022 he was saying things like the baby isn't for her son and the gang members were going to hurt him. She said she didn’t feed into it was just listening. She said she was working at night as she works at the school in the day and the barber shop at night. She said he was at the door one night to her teenage daughter. She said she called him and told him that he shouldn't show up at her house wanting to talk to her daughter. She said she told him not to show up when she was not there. She said in October a gentleman stayed directly behind their house and in 2021 he pulled a gun out on him. She said VT grabbed his BBQ grill and brought it to her house after in her backyard. She said she pulled it back down the street and it was heavy. She said in December she wasn’t speaking to him. She said she was a barber instructor up the street, and she went there on Saturdays and VT came there and followed her outside. She said she left and told them he was threatening her and her kids and she’s not coming back if he is there. She said VT went there the following Saturday and he wanted her to cut his kid's hair.  She said she called the school again and let them know she doesn't know if she can work if he keeps coming back. She said they wrote a letter that he’s not allowed to be there on the days she works. She said she knows his intentions aren’t good, and she doesn’t want him around her or her children, she’s scared of him. She said when she filled out the restraining order it wasn’t filled out right as she said she didn't need a lawyer. She said she wants somebody else to talk on behalf of her. She said after this she know she will have to move out of the area.