US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Animal split custody
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

Me and my ex recently broke up and just a couple months before he purchased a puppy claiming he bought it for me. His name is on the adoption form because I was not there for the adoption and he did pay for it. I was the main caretaker of the puppy. He only ever paid for things. All of the vet records are in my name because I am the one that did all of the caretaking. My ex does not have time for a puppy due to his job. He works late hours and goes out of town a lot. I asked him if we could do split custody and I Would only have him with me for 3 days. My ex agreed to this but then later changed and said he was adding a stipulation that I had to show him proof that I'm going to therapy and that I would not be alone with the puppy until I get therapy for my depression. This puppy was originally going to be my emotional support dog and I was going to go through the process and pay for it myself because that is what I was told by my ex that bought me this dog told me I could do because he knows that having an emotional support animal would help me. I don't know what to do at this point. It's as if he is still trying to control my life.
