US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Palm Desert Dental Center
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

A visitor called and stated she wanted the phone number for the District Attorney's office in Palm Springs. She said she was told by a couple of people that she needed to contact the district attorney and meet with them. She stated that a dentist at Palm Desert Dental Center in Beverly Hills is messing up elderly people's mouths and refusing to fix them. She stated she had an oral surgery that cost her $8000, in which she paid $5000 in cash and her insurance paid $3000 and the dentist messed her mouth up. Besides the healing and the horrendous pain, they refused to see her. Despite she called the office and they said that yes he fixes people's issues all the time, they refused. She said she had to see another dentist to correct the issue and he said that the guy does such a messy job he doesn't like taking his clients. She mentioned that she was in pain for seven months, and her head was spasming during that time. She made a police report but they didn't tell her she needed to call the district attorney. He messes you up, takes your money, and refused to fix it. She said he is training these young people in his office to work and using them as guinea pigs. Now when they screwed up he refused to fix it, saying that they speak badly about his office so they are not allowed to come back. He has them think they are getting the best treatment but they are not.

Status: under review