US Arbitration Corp.

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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I have been trying to send a counterclaim. There is a lot of issues because I can't see the claim on my account and every time I do the counterclaim information, I am having technical issues. I am just seeking some assistance to be able to send my counterclaim in.

The claim is with D.S. He is supposed to be the trustee of the land trust and there are illegal things happening with him personally and he has criminal action going on with housing so I asked for proof of him being the legal owner and he threaten me. I also requested a copy of the insurance statement of what I am paying on the house. He harassed me through my telephone, and I have all the text messages between us. One night I had to call the police because he just wouldn’t stop texting me. I heard that he has been to other people apartment and harass them.

I received a letter on Thursday the 16th of June, 2022 stating that he is filing for arbitration against me. I went to the website and download the counterclaim and filed it out but when I tried to send it in through the portal, I got error. When I tried to print it, it came out blank.

I have been living in this house since last year August and I gave him a 10% down of the $6500 and I also used $25000 out of my own money to fix up things in the apartment that he didn’t tell me about. I am paying $1080 for the rent/mortage and he said the home insurance is covered on the house. He filed a claim for $65000. I am filing a counterclaim for one of two things; (A) the $25000 returned back to me or (B) the house if it is not legal his or to find out who the legal owner is.