US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Harrassing/slandering comment on legaljunkies I want removed.
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I was doing some research and I saw where you are connected with Legal Junkies. I am a victim of harassment.My name was mentioned in a comment under a weird post that has nothing to do with me since I wasn’t the one who made the post. The post is about a woman with a lawsuit, running and hiding, etc. It is a harassing slandering comment with my name in it that I would like to be removed. The post is from another victim and my name is mentioned in it by N.G. who is wanted in the UK. The comment has nothing legal about it and is just slandering myname. Will you have me connected with someone that can remove the comment with my name in it?

I contacted the number on the legaljunkies' webiste but didnt get any answer. I even sent emails to them but no answer so I am calling you for you to assist me with getting the comment removed.