US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Dispute with T-Mobile
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

I have an issue with T-Mobile. In 2014, I bought a Galaxy Note 2 from them and the screen broke but because I was paying my insurance and the phone broke within a month, I got a replacement note 2. T-Mobile was promoting the Galaxy S5 and even though my boyfriend told me not to buy it, I took the promotion they had that I can get it for $400. I took the phone and was doing down payments and it was supposed to finish paying off in June 2015. When I contacted T-Mobile collection, I spoke with a lady that told me that my statements don’t match. They shut down the phone on me in 2015 but didn’t stop charging me. I recently received a letter from convergent that told me about ending payment in 2016 and that I had no payments in 2021/2022. T-Mobile kept sending me statements even after they shut down my phone in 2015.

I started to go with a credit site name credit saints and that’s when all hell broke loose. I didn’t want a credit repair instead I wanted my credit trust. After that, I became a victim of identity theft. I think that either T-Mobile is still charging me or someone opened another account with them. I spoke with the FTC and the attorney office of Maryland who told me that someone used my name and address to get a job. Two additional persons that were using my identity are D. S. and J. S. that said they are members of my family but I don’t know them. They moved to PA.  Someone was using my name to buy and lease cars.

I spoke with the Maryland government about it and they informed me that it has past 3 years so they cannot sue me anymore. I uploaded my driver's license and photo to the credit bureau and someone used my identity to sign up for experience but when I tried to sign it in, I got errors. I cant find some of the documents because when I moved in with my boyfriend, an incident happened in the apartment that cause it to become unlivable and I can't find the documents ever since.