US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: I need a lawyer to contest my custody agreement
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reasons).

Hi, I need an attorney to contest an adoption agreement. I have visitation rights but the other party has been ignoring my rights for the last two visitations. They shouldn't be violating the agreement and expedite hearing.

I have two boys XXXX XXXX and XXXX XXXX that I shared with my ex-wife. I lost my rights to my children because I was not working and my attorney told me if I plead my case they will take my children away and I wouldn't have visitations right.

Divorcing my ex-wife we had a custody battle and at the time I was given 50/50 rights to my children, but I kept taking her back to court because she kept violating the agreement. I called Social services on her once because my son developed a skin condition, bleeding from all parts of his body and I had to take him to the doctor's office. I told the judge this and he did nothing. Before issue started with me seeing my children she kept asking me to get back with her, like on Valentine's day. I  mentioned it to the judge and that's when she started giving me a hard time to see my children.

She got remarried to her now husband adopted my children. With our new arrangements I get to see my children every three months for three hours. The past two visits in December and March I was not able to see them. My ex-wife being so toxic the judge decided that I will no longer communicate with her but instead communicate with her husband but he has not been responding to me either. I have contacted the media, reach out to the courts and nothing is being done.