US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Caretaker and client dispute
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I’m looking for assistance with a tenant-landlord case. I moved in on July 1, 2019, on a verbal agreement with the owner as a caregiver because I gave up my homeowner and son XXXX XXXX agreed to pay me all mobbing cost when the time came she passed last April they have not helped me and my daughter at all, all lies first they said they were selling a home then now they say it’s going in probate 2 days ago there was a letter from mortgage company saying the house is in foreclosure. Yes, he is also next of kin there was no will. Also, I’ve been looking into information regarding him trying to sell the house the house has to go in probate before spelling it correctly? No, I wasn’t getting the house, he promised to financially cover moving expenses, first months rent, deposit, and moving costs when his mother passed away since I gave up my own home to move down here now he’s tried saying he can’t get the money only when he sells it and I found out about the full closure in a letter sent to this address by the mortgage company cooper peoples 3 days ago and he had not said anything to me about it. 4 days ago he came here and told me it was going into probate.