US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Capital one credit card issue
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

Hello, I was a victim of id theft. Capital one 360 checkings, Unauthorized ATM withdrawal for about $5800, withdraw for $904x 6. Report and fraud claim to capital one and call them back for investigation status. 10days later which was 10/25/21, they sent me a claim denial letter with bias decision I could only communicate with email or phone with non-USA service. The appeal was requested and never hear from them. My temporarily contractor open a personal loan under my name, and clever guy replace the card with fake cc with a color copy version. trick me with it, one debit from 360, one discover cc, 10/05/2021 discover alert me with cash advance for $504 on the phone with discover for alert.. told them that I have the card! How could this happen.. no it is my card with the chip! Meanwhile, they transfer me to the fraud department. I have 3 capital one cc, Walmart capital one .. why not 360.. hardly login for this accts? The statement was looking crazy…where this money come and go, personal deposited., withdraw $900 several time only left me with 350 bucks. Call to report for fraud, told them I have the card same! One thing, all the necessary document sent to virgina address for capital one 360 with certify mail. Since their is no information for capital one 360 in usa other than email.

Status: under review