US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Dispute with attorney in Honduras
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

Hi, I'm having an issue with an attorney in Honduras. I'm a US citizen. I am trying to find out if I have any recourse. Ok, a friend and I incorporated in Honduras as an SA. We paid a retainer, plus fees for incorporation, tax exemption application, and bank accounts. The company was incorporated in October, I think. However, one of the attorneys is listed as Presidente and sole shareholder, and we are unable to access our bank account. We attempted to buy a property and were told that I was not listed as General Manager, as I was supposed to have been. Eventually, the law firm sent me a Power of Attorney, authorizing me to buy property for the company. That was last month, but I am still not listed in the corporate docs. Ok, thank you, we are trying to resolve the issue without any bad blood, but we need to know what our rights are if any. That's the main concern!