US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Seeking lawyers help to get my son out of prison
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I am looking for an attorney to help get my 22-year-old son XXXX XXXX the 3rd out of Riverside prison in California. My son was arrested on December 5, 2020, because he was trying to protect me from getting jumped while I was sleeping. I was in the hospital for some time and when I got out I was told by XXXX law firm that my son was sentenced to two years because he got into a fight with someone and they also told me that he had a dagger with him. My son hasn't been in the courtroom since May 2020 and I didn't even get to make my statement are anything but they sentence my son without any good charges. I think they are covering up some things because they don't allow me to see my son or anything. They filled a restraining order between me and my son on November 23. 2020, but he was arrested on December 5th.

My son was home with me on November 20, 2020, but they have it that he was in jail on that day. I have the proof to show that my son was home on the days they say he was in jail and on the day of the incident. My son's jail number is XXXX and I want my son out because they are hanging him upside down on the top of the jail for 5 minutes or more.

I think the person that tried to attack me might still be trying to do it because I was recently poisoned and I also got stabbed recently. I am receiving threats and they are putting baby rattle snakes in my pants. I work with disabled children and I have been working to keep my son sane. I don’t understand how is it that disabled children are getting sentenced faster and getting more years than sex offenders in Riverside. I just got out of the hospital because I have a lot of bruises on my hand and my neck.