US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: Stalked and harassed for being transgender
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I live in California and was wondering if  my case is a civil rights case or not. Two years ago one of my neighbors started stalking me and since then it has rubbed off on several of them. Where they are stalking and harassing me. I believed it is due to me being a transgender. They have been organizing against me to the point where they are making false reports to the police for me to get arrested. The police have been to my door over a dozen times in the past two months but have not been able to arrest me because I have done nothing wrong, not even a citation I have never received. One of the people stalking me is an ex-lawyer, who plays a major role in them harassing me. The same person followed me to the park one night. I was approached by one of them saying that they want me out. They are stalking my place, standing outside my apartment at 3:00 am nightly and I have footage of them doing this. My experience has been severely traumatic, I have sleepless nights and anxiety. I am psychological doctor and because of this I had to close down my private practice.

This has affected me so much. They have also gotten non-residence involved. There is an urgency to this because the police is not doing anything to help or protect me and I'm afraid that if I don't show them that some law is on my side they may become more aggressive because they have been aggressive. They haven't physically harm or assaulted me but they have approach me with rage, yelling and screaming with anger.