US Arbitration Corp.

Full Version: I'm being evicted and sued by my landlord
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Here is a previous case by *** (Identity withheld for privacy reason).

I am senior, living in Whittier California. I've been trying to contact attorneys but I am unable to afford one because I only get social security. I am renting a house that I was given an eviction notice last month by XXXX XXXX which states that by February 1, 2022, I had to move out. I have  been trying to find somewhere else but it has been a bit difficult. I have been living there for 8 years and after my husband died around 6 years ago, things got hard on us. The house needs lots of repairs. The sockets don't work and the only way I can watch television is by using an extension cord. The carpet is also very old, and the landlord has been made aware of these issues but has done nothing to fix them. I pay $1600 per month for rent and my son who is also living with me was helping me out, but he lost his job. I do not have an income and I only earn social security, but the landlord kept raising the rent knowing this. He is also wanting to sue me for 10k and I don't know why.